Monday, April 13, 2009


This week I'm looking for a web/widget developer to build the real site. Could be a fun project for someone looking to add to their portfolio.

And I'm polling friends to hear who they want me to interview. So far some VCs have been suggested, and Jim Harbaugh (Stanford football coach). Who else do you want to know about? Leave me any suggestions.

Apple List Top iPhone Apps

This week Apple released a list of the top 20 paid and free iPhone apps to date. Nothing too shocking (except I don't get Enigmo...) - games, social networking, utilities and novelties (yes, iFart Mobile and the Virtual Zippo both made the list) predominate. And I'm happy to see that Koi Pond is hanging in there - it is a simple, elegant jewel.

Wired has an article at, or check out the original at iTunes.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What's On Your iPhone?

With more than 25,000 offerings in the iPhone App Store, it has become hard to discover the best apps for your phone. MyPhoneFavs takes a different approach by asking Silicon Valley dwellers "What is on your iPhone?" and letting them describe their favorites. Every week or so we'll post another interview with new app recommendations, and in between we'll tweet out interesting apps.

This is not an in-depth inventory, nor a review site. But it will describe what apps real people are using in real life.

So, what's on your iPhone?